Building Information

NLC has approximately 370,000 square feet of academic space. 

Salado Hall
功能:提供学术教室, laboratories, 和教师办公空间,以支持学院的学术课程.
Size: 64,241 square feet

Paluxy Hall 
功能:拓展理工科课程的学习空间和课堂空间, 增加职业和技术项目, 并包括一个三楼的多功能厅,能够举办大型活动.
Size: 86,390 sq. ft

Medina CTE Center
Function: To provide classroom, laboratory, 和办公空间,以支持学院的教学计划.
Size: 22,300 square feet

Blanco Hall
功能:提供教室, practice rooms, rehearsal hall, drawing studio, kilns, 和办公空间,以支持学院的美术项目.
Size: 25,285 square feet

Comal Learning Resource Center
Function: To provide library, learning laboratories, community meeting rooms, computer laboratories, 以及行政办公空间.
Size: 82,620 square feet

功能:为表演艺术提供空间, including an auditorium, stage, gallery, green room, costume storage, classroom, and dressing rooms
Size: 22,320 square feet

Physical Plant
功能:为设备维护提供操作空间, grounds, housekeeping, department of public safety, campus mailroom, the chiller plant, building trades, HVAC equipment, and office space.
Size: 10,763 square feet

Bosque Science Center
Function: To provide laboratories and classrooms for the natural and physical sciences; including preparation areas, and office spaces. 
Size: 26,144 square feet

Brazos Student Union
功能:为包括自助餐厅在内的综合学生服务项目提供空间支持, enrollment services, student activities, lecture theater, print shop, business office, bookstore, and classrooms.
Size: 64,191 square feet

Llano Wellness Center
功能:为健身和运动机能学课程提供空间, including two dance studios, two basketball courts, a weight room, classrooms, a nutrition laboratory, and offices.
Size: 46,617 square feet

Size: 100-seat

Size: 430 square feet

Rock Climbing Wall
Size: 800 square feet; 3-stories

Mission Statement

东北湖景学院通过提供教育项目和丰富文化的机会,使学生获得成功.  学院提供高质量的教学, measurable learning, 以及有助于获得副学士学位和证书以改善其社区未来的公共服务.

Vision: 成为一个文化丰富的社区的变革力量, empowered by education, 以满足未来的动态需求.

Students First

Respect for All



Can-Do Spirit


Belief Statements:
  1. 我们被通过学习改变生活所激励
  2. 我们通过让学生在他们的教育旅程中取得成功来发展我们的学生
  3. NLC教育是我们社区实现社会平等和经济流动的最佳途径